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The powerful and versatile time tracking system!
The powerful and versatile time tracking system!

Choose activities window


The "Choose activities" window allows you to choose a set of activities.

The choice is made via the check boxes.  The buttons next to the activity list allow you to quickly add or remove multiple activities.

Choose activity window with some chosen activities

How to access this window

The "Choose activity" window is used by the "Generate report" window, the "Import project" window and the "Export project" window.

Available options

Activity list
Key combination "Alt + A"
All the available activities in the project.  Check an activity's check box to choose it.
Button "Add all"
Key combination "Alt + D"
Add all activities.
Button "Remove all"
Key combination "Alt + L"
Remove all activities.
Button "Add branch"
Key combination "Alt + B"
Add all activities in the selected branch.
Button "Remove branch"
Key combination "Alt + R"
Remove all activities in the selected branch.
Button "Invert choice"
Key combination "Alt + I"
Invert your choice.
Button "OK"
Key combination "Alt + O"
Use the chosen activities.
Button "Cancel"
Key "Escape"
Key combination "Alt + C"
Exit the window discarding your choice.
Key "F1"
Show the "Choose activities" window help page.