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The powerful and versatile time tracking system!
The powerful and versatile time tracking system!

Split time trace window


This window lets you split a single time trace into two new time traces.  See the Split time trace help page for more information on splitting time traces.

The window is divided in three parts; an overview of the first time trace to split off, an overview of the second time trace to split off, and the date/time to use to split the time trace at (the "split point").

The time halfway the time trace will initially be selected as the time to split the time trace.  You can alter this by modifying the time and/or date in the "Split point" part of the window.  When you alter the split point, the time periods in the first- and second time trace overviews will reflect this.

If you want to alter the activity of the first or second time trace, then you can choose the correct activity from the drop down lists in the time trace overviews.

Split time trace window showing a closed time trace

Split time trace window showing an open time trace

How to access this window

The "Split time trace" window can be accessed by clicking the "Split..." button from the "Manage time traces" window and the "Time trace" window.

Available options

Section "First time trace"

The characteristics of the first time trace to split off.

Label "Starts at"
Shows the date and time the first time trace will start at.  The end date and time will be the chosen split point.
Label "Time period"
Shows the size of the first time trace for the chosen split point.  When an invalid split point is chosen, the time period will show "------".
Drop down list "Activity"
Key combination "Alt + A"
The activity to use with the first time trace.  Note that only enabled activities (shown with a green checkmark) can be used to book time on.

Section "Second time trace"

The characteristics of the second time trace to split off.

Label "Ends at"
Shows the date and time the second time trace will end at.  The start date and time will be the chosen split point.  When the trace is still being worked on, this will be reported instead ("You are still working on this activity").
Label "Time period"
Shows the size of the second time trace for the chosen split point.  When an invalid split point is chosen, the time period will show "------".
Drop down list "Activity"
Key combination "Alt + T"
The activity to use with the second time trace.  Note that only enabled activities (shown with a green checkmark) can be used to book time on.

Section "Split point"

The split point to split the time trace at.

Key combination "Alt + S"
The date to split the trace at.  Use the calendar to choose the day.
The calendar shows days that are worked on in bold.
Time controls
The time to split the trace at.  Use the time fields to enter the time.
The up-down buttons next to the time fields allow you to increase and decrease the value in the selected time field.  Valid input for the time fields is 0 to 23 for the hour field, and 0 to 59 for the minute and second fields.


Button "OK"
Key combination "Alt + O"
Exit the window and split the time trace.
Button "Cancel"
Key "Escape"
Key combination "Alt + C"
Exit the window and do not split the time trace.
Key "F1"
Show the "Split time trace" window help page.